Martin Mulligan Group Ltd.: Nebenjob oder Praktikum besser?

So bewertet Martin Mulligan Group Ltd. Nebenjob und Praktikum im Lebenslauf

Was wird besser beurteilt auf dem Lebenslauf: ein Praktikum oder ein studentischer Nebenjob?

The Martin Mulligan Group is more interested, which tasks the student had at his part time job or internship. We are very interested in what the student learnt in his part time job or work experience and which new qualification he developed. Another important question for us is how the student works in the companies' environment and which soft skills were demands by the job or internship. For the internship and the part time job is the reference from the company important so we get a better overview about the candidate and his knowledge and we know that the student is able to do and how he did it.

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