
Infrastructure & Energy - Analyst (f/m/x)

Direkteinstieg - Stellenanzeige | Deutsche Bank

Stellenbeschreibung - Infrastructure & Energy - Analyst (f/m/x)

connecticum Job 1744105

Infrastructure & Energy - Analyst (f/m/x)

Job ID:R0310543 Full/Part-Time: Full-time
Regular/Temporary: Regular Listed: 2024-04-18
Location: Frankfurt

Position Overview

Details of the role and how it fits into the team

I&E is an investment desk focused on providing financing solutions to asset owners in its core industries. I&E distributes some of the risk it underwrites but also has a large hold book of senior and mezzanine debt positions and derivatives.

I&E is an integral part of Global Credit and Financing Solutions and the Global Financing and Credit Trading platform within Fixed Income and Currencies. I&E has desks in Frankfurt and London, covering the Europe, Middle East and Africa region, and New York, and encompasses the origination, structuring and distribution of a wide range of products, targeted at clients ranging from corporates, financial institutions, institutional investors to public sector entities across the infrastructure and energy sectors. 

You will work closely with various other trading desks (e.g. Direct Lending, Global Emerging Markets, Transportation), banking (leveraged finance and industry groups), structuring and various origination and distribution channels.

Your key responsibilities

  • Support deal origination by performing market research and preparing pitch materials

  • Support the structuring and execution of transactions involving a variety of financial instruments

  • Prepare and participate in meetings with target I&E clients

  • Review and build complex financial models in relation to complex transactions

  • Conduct due diligence processes, engagements with management teams and the negotiation of financing/transaction documentation

  • Manage day-to-day tasks for internal approval processes including credit, regulatory, market risk etc

Your skills and experiences

  • Educated to Bachelor’s degree level or equivalent qualification/relevant work experience

  • Track record in executing structured finance transactions across a variety of jurisdictions and products including senior debt, junior debt and capital markets

  • Superior analytical aptitude including, ability to conduct due diligence and assessment of clients’ credit quality and asset analysis, reviewing complex financial models, as well as experience interpreting and negotiating transaction documents

  • Excellent stakeholder handling and communication skills, both written and verbal

  • Understanding, and ability to understand, macro market and industry trends

What we will offer you:

This job is available in full and parttime.

We provide you with a comprehensive portfolio of benefits and offerings to support both, your private and professional needs.

  • Emotionally and mentally balanced
    A positive mind helps us master the challenges of everyday life – both professionally and privately. We offer consultation in difficult life situations as well as mental health awareness trainings.

  • Physically thriving
    We support you in staying physically fit through an offering to maintain personal health and a professional environment. You can benefit from health check-ups; vaccination drives as well as advice on healthy living and nutrition.

  • Socially connected
    Networking opens up new perspectives, helps us thrive professionally and personally as well as strengthens our self-confidence and well-being. You can benefit from PME family service, FitnessCenter Job, flexible working (e.g parttime, hybrid working, job tandem) as well as an extensive culture of diversity, equity and inclusion.

  • Financially secure
    We provide you with financial security not only during your active career but also for the future. You can benefit from offerings such as pension plans, banking services, company bicycle or “Deutschlandticket”.

Since our offerings slightly vary across locations, please contact your recruiter with specific questions.

In case of any recruitment related questions, please get in touch with Ariane Schönborn.

Contact: Ariane Schönborn, Tel.: +49 69 / 910 47786

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Informationen zur Bewerbung

Infrastructure & Energy - Analyst (f/m/x)

Connecticum Job 1744105
Wirtschaftswissenschaften: BWL, BWL-Banken
Firmenprofil Deutsche Bank

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